Using Postman

Using Postman

If you are a Postman user you can use it to try our APIs as well! Here's how you configure Postman with Open DIPS:

  • Use OAuth 2.0 authorization for the requests
  • Set Grant Type to Authorization Code
  • Check 'Authorize using browser'
  • Set Auth URL to
  • Set Access Token URL to
  • Set Client ID and Client Secret postman
  • Set launch as the scope
  • Click 'Get New Access Token' to get a new access token. This will open your web browser and you are prompted to enter credentials to authenticate against the Federation Service.
  • Fill in opendips as the username and open1234 as the password in the login screen. If you have to provide a userrole, you can use Full funksjonstilgang og VID datatilgang.
  • Back in Postman remember to click Use Token before sending any requests.

Since API calls to Open DIPS require your own dips-subscription-key, you need to manually add it to all requests. You'll find your subscription key on your profile page.

You can download our Postman collection to get up and running quickly. After importing to Postman, you will need to fill in your Open DIPS subscription key in the collection's variables, and click "Get New Access Token" in the Authorization tab to get an access token.

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DIPS ASPostboks 1435, 8037 BodøTlf: +47 75 59 20 00open@dips.no20241016.4