FHIR Practitioner
Practitioner's identifier. Supported system is urn:oid:2.16.578., urn:oid:2.16.578., urn:oid:2.16.578. or http://dips.no/fhir/namingsystem/dips-personid.
Practitioner's identifier.
The first name that starts with the given string.
A portion of the Practitioner's first name at any place. Returns results that include the supplied parameter value anywhere within the first name field.
An exact name of the Practitioner's first name. Returns results with the first name that matches the entire supplied parameter, including casing.
Search practitioner by the last name that starts with the given string.
Search parameter for a portion of the Practitioner's last name at any place. Returns results that include the supplied parameter value anywhere within the last name field.
Search parameter for an exact name of the Practitioner's last name. Returns results with the last name that matches the entire supplied parameter, including casing.
Search parameter for status of the Practitioner.
Search parameter for decides pretty of the output is true or false