FHIR Encounter
DIPS Episode of Care ID. Supported system is http://dips.no/fhir/namingsystem/dips/omsorgsepisodeid or http://dips.no/fhir/namingsystem/dips/episodeofcareid.
Logical ID as returned by the service. Supported format is agy27 or ahi38.
Patient logical ID got from patient resource or National Identifier Number. Supported format is cdp<Patient ID>, Patient/cdp<Patient ID> or National Identifier Number (11 digits).
DIPS Patient ID or National Identitier Number. Supported system is urn:oid:2.16.578.|NIN or http://dips.no/fhir/namingsystem/dips/patientid|<PatientID>.
RESH ID or code (ward shortname) of ward. Supported system is urn:oid:2.16.578.|RESH ID or http://dips.no/fhir/namingsystem/dips/wardshortname|wardcode.
RESH ID or code(shortname) of a location in DIPS (lokalisering). Supported system is urn:oid:2.16.578.|RESH ID or http://dips.no/fhir/namingsystem/dips/locationshortname|locationcode.
RESH ID or code of a section or department. Supported format is urn:oid:2.16.578.|RESH ID, http://dips.no/fhir/namingsystem/dips/departmentshortname|departmentshortname or http://dips.no/fhir/namingsystem/dips/sectionshortname|sectionshortname.
Status of the encounter. Can be specified multiple times to include more than one status. Supported values are planned, arrived, in-progress, finished, on leave and cancelled.
Performer HPR-number or requester code. Supported system is urn:oid:2.16.578.|HPR-number or http://dips.no/fhir/namingsystem/dips/reqcode|reqCode
Date the enounter took place. Supports single date or date range. In formats date=yyyy-mm-dd or date=ge2010-01-01&date=le2010-02-01.
currentStay : Returns the currently active Encounter for an admitted patient.
Patient identifier, e.g. national ID number, see Encounter Search for valid values. Only for use with `_query=currentStay`.