Enabling others to collaborate, innovate and build better
healthcare systems
To ensure that solutions of the future are centered around healthcare personnel and patients, we need seamless integrations and collaboration with the innovators in the industry. We have therefore opened up our APIs and our synthetic hospital for integrations and collaboration.
Get started
Become a partner
The DIPS Partner Program gives you exclusive benefits to realizing your ideas. By sharing our knowledge and compiling our resources, we can efficiently work together and achieve faster results.
Learn moreProductivity
Our APIs speed up productivity and enable development of great healthcare applications.
Realistic data
Realistic synthetic health data that can be integrated into your apps.
Open Collaboration
Built on open standards within secure frameworks for application developers.
Trusted by
API Platform
Open DIPS offers a wide range of APIs to developers. Our FHIR APIs are the most used APIs by our partners in addition to specialised healthcare APIs that you can integrate with.
Explore our APIsExample: FHIR Patient
$ curl -x GET api.dips.no/fhir/patient/cdp1000807
-H 'dips-subscription-key: ...'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eY...'
"resourceType": "Patient",
"id": "cdp1000807",
"meta": {
"profile": ["DIPSPatient", "NoBasisPatient"]
"identifier": [{
"use": "official",
"system": "urn:oid:2.16.578.",
"value": "15076500565"
}, {
"system": "http://dips.no/fhir/namingsystem/dips-patientid",
"value": "1000807"
"active": true,
"name": [{
"use": "official",
"text": "Gundersen, Roland",
"family": "Gundersen",
"given": ["Roland"]
"telecom": [{
"extension": [{
"url": "http://dips.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/R4/DIPSPatientPhoneTypeId",
"valueDecimal": 268893
"system": "phone",
"value": "96050666",
"use": "mobile"
}, {
"extension": [{
"url": "http://dips.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/R4/DIPSPatientPhoneTypeId",
"valueDecimal": 268893
"system": "phone",
"value": "69060555",
"use": "mobile"
}, {
"extension": [{
"url": "http://dips.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/R4/DIPSPatientPhoneTypeId",
"valueDecimal": 268893
"system": "sms",
"value": "56090999",
"use": "mobile"
}, {
"system": "sms",
"value": "+4796050666",
"use": "mobile"
"gender": "male",
"birthDate": "1965-07-15",
"deceasedBoolean": false,
"address": [{
"extension": [{
"url": "http://hl7.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/no-basis-address-official",
"valueBoolean": false
"use": "home",
"line": ["Flåklypa 31"],
"city": "Alvdal",
"_district": {
"extension": [{
"url": "http://dips.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/R4/DIPSPatientMunicipality",
"valueCoding": {
"system": "urn:oid:2.16.578."
"postalCode": "2560",
"country": "Norge"
"generalPractitioner": [{
"reference": "PractitionerRole/agb1001451"

DIPS AS is the leading supplier of eHealth systems for Norwegian hospitals. The company has contracts with three of Norway's four regional health trusts, including five of the six university hospitals in the country.
Our solutions have more than 80,000 daily users and are some of Norway's most used computer systems. These solutions enable health care personnel to improve the quality of patient care and increase patient safety.
Read more about us at dips.no.